Our Current Team
Deanna Reder (Cree-Métis)
Professor, Simon Fraser University
Depts. of English & Indigenous Studies
Deanna Reder is one of the nine founding members of the Indigenous Literary Studies Association (ILSA). Its governing code, co-written by the founders in 2013, underlines much of the work that The People and the Text sets to accomplish. In 2023 Reder’s monograph, Autobiography as Indigenous Intellectual Tradition: Cree and Métis âcimisowina, won the Gabrielle Roy Prize for Canadian Literary Criticism (English section) from the Association of Canadian and Quebec Literatures (ACQL).
Madeleine Reddon (Métis)
Loyola University Chicago
Dept. of English
Madeleine Reddon is an assistant professor in the Department of English at Loyola University of Chicago and a member of the Métis Nation of Alberta. She recently co-edited the creative writing anthology, Carving Space: The Indigenous Voices Awards (2023), with Jordan Abel and Carleigh Baker. She is currently working on her book, Inheritances, which focuses on literary representations of intergenerational dispossession that foreground the ambivalence and complexity of cultural transmission and kinship within colonial modernity. With TPatT she is working on the corpus of Inuit writer and artist Alootook Ipellie.
Alix Shield, PhD
Dept. of Indigenous Studies, SFU
Alix is a settler scholar, completed her PhD in the Dept. of English at SFU in 2020, and currently is a Continuing Lecturer in the Department of Indigenous Studies. Her research uses contemporary digital humanities methods to analyze collaboratively-authored twentieth- and twenty-first-century Indigenous literatures in Canada. Alix has digitized many of the E. Pauline Johnson archival documents in our collection, and is also responsible for the development and maintenance of our project's Drupal multisite. Her edited edition, Legends of the Capilano, was released in April 2023.
Margery Fee
Professor Emerita, UBC
Dept. of English
Margery Fee, PhD, FRSC, is Professor Emerita of English at the Univerity of British Columbia. Her publications include Literary Land Claims: "The Indian Land Question" from Pontiac's War to Attawapiskat (2015), Tekahionwake: E. Pauline Johnson's Writings on Native North America (2016, co-edited with Dory Nason), Polar Bear (2019) and an edited collection of essays by BC historian, Jean Barman, On the Cusp of Contact: Gender, Space, and Race in the Colonization of British Columbia (2020). She is currently working on a book derived from lectures given as the Brenda and David McLean Chair in Canadian Studies about how Indigenous thinkers have situated and used writing and how mainstream language ideologies have hampered Indigenous writers' publication and reception.
Susan Glover
Professor Emerita, Laurentian U
Dept. of English
Settler scholar Susan Glover is the Principal Investigator in the Voices of Ancestors (VOA) database, housed in the TPatT collection. She has compiled early Indigenous writing in what is now known as Canada as part of a digital database of print and manuscript archival material of Indigenous-created texts up to ca. 1870, with a specific focus on an exploration of the movement of Indigenous writers/texts across/around the Great Lakes in the period.