
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Social Science and Humanities Council of Canada. We also gratefully acknowledge the valuable support of the Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory, and in particular Susan Brown and Mihaela Ilovan.  We thank the Simon Fraser University Library, especially Gwen Bird and Melissa Salrin, who facilitated the acquisition of the Hartmut Lutz collection. Thanks also to Jenna Walsh and the SFU Library for the organization of the SSHRC-funded Sorting Libraries Out Conference (March 2019).  Thanks also to Rebecca Dowson, the DH librarian, and Catherine Winters, the SFU front-end drupal designer.

Thanks very much to the late Cree Editor Gregory Younging and Theytus Press who donated the archive of Gatherings, an annual publication highlighting emerging Indigenous writers from 1990 up to 2003.

Special thanks to Carole Gerson, Hartmut Lutz, the Estate of Renate Eigenbrod, Margery Fee, Donald Smith, and Mary Chapman, for their donations of books and valuable personal archives. Thanks also to the Open University who allowed us to archive their online interviews of several authors. In particular we would like to thank the editor of the journal Canadian Literature, Laura Moss, for her invaluable support and guidance in publishing. Thanks also to Maria Campbell for her support. 

Special thanks to SFU Vice-President, Research and SFU President-Designate, Joy Johnson, and SFU Dean of FASS, Jane Pulkingham, for their support of research on James Brady. Special thanks to Kathy Quandt for the donation of the Jim Brady library list. 

Thanks also to Maddie Knickerbocker and students in SFU's Department of Indigenous Studies (formerly First Nations Studies) for their research and transcription work for select interviews. 

Finally, we would like to thank Bart Vautour for his generosity in allowing us to repurpose site code from the Canada and the Spanish Civil War project.  Thanks also to Squamish graduate student Michelle Lorna Nahanee for her original graphic designs for our project logo and as part of our initial Wordpress website.