Digital Texts in CEWW


This copy of the Montreal Poetry Year Book was almost certainly a gift from Constance Davies Woodrow (1899-1937) to William Black Creighton (1864-1946), the father of author and historian Donald Grant Creighton (1902-1979), who was the husband of author Luella Bruce Creighton (1901-1996). William Creighton was the editor of the Christian Guardian (“Donald Creighton,” Dictionary of Canadian Biography), self-proclaimed as “Canada’s National Religious Weekly,” with a readership comparable to that of the more secular Saturday Night (R. Kenneth Carty and W. Peter Vard, eds., National Politics and Community in Canada (Vancouver, BC: U of British Columbia P, 1986) 52). William Creighton used the publication as “a vehicle for discussion of the character of the Canadian community” (Carty and Vard, 52), strongly supporting the recognition of a distinct Canadian national culture. Our research has found no other connection between Constance Davies Woodrow and the Creighton family (although she was of an age with Donald Creighton). Such a connection would not be entirely surprising, though, given the closeness of the Canadian literary community in the 1920s and 30s.
Edith and Winnifred Eaton
Edith and Winnifred Eaton
This collection includes articles and images by and about Edith Eaton (Sui Sin Far) and Winnifred Eaton (Onoto Watanna) discovered and compiled by Dr. Mary Chapman at the University of British Columbia.
Forests and Clearings
Forests and Clearings
Pellerin, Maude Gage. "Forests and Clearings." The Stanstead Journal (1951).
Ethelwyn Wetherald, "Legacies," Canadian Singers and Their Songs, ed. Edward S. Caswell (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1919).
Lily Adams Beck
Lily Adams Beck
These articles are scanned from clippings in a scrapbook entitled "Miscellaneous 1941," held by Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Call # Quarto DS 809.J47 vol. 13, no. 7.
Lily Adams Beck
Lily Adams Beck
with very good wish to Wm.[?] Gessler from L. Adams Beck, who is also E. Barrington / July 1926
Pauline Johnson collection
Pauline Johnson collection
A collection of digital texts by Emily Pauline Johnson.
