A multi-genre, collaborative literary history of North American Indigenous writing.
- 1. TPatT - Authors
- All Indigenous authors who first published before 1993 are included in this database.
- 2. TPatT - Titles
- All Indigenous works that were first published in English before 1993 are included in this database.
- 3. TPatT - Indigenous Texts in French
- All Indigenous works that were first published in French before 2000 are included in this database.
- 4. TPatT - Interviews
- Thanks to both Hartmut Lutz and the Open University for giving us permission to make these interviews available online. Any author included that has any questions or concerns are encouraged to contact us at
- 5. TPatT - Theytus Books
- Thanks to Theytus Press for giving us permission to make these editions available online. Any author included that has any questions or concerns are encouraged to contact us at
- 9. Go-won-go Mohawk
- Go-won-go Mohawk, c. 1885, ©Trustees of the British Museum.
- Honouring the Strength of Indian Women bookcover
- Co-editors Michelle Coupal, Deanna Reder, Joanne Arnott, and Emalene A. Manuel chose a photo of author Vera Manuel (Ktunaxa and Secwepemc writer) in character in her most famous play, Strength of Indian Women (1992) as the cover photo for an anthology of her work titled Honouring the Strength of Indian Women
- Key Texts
- This collection includes scanned book covers and paratextual material (i.e. table of contents, dedication, copyright information) for a selection of key Indigenous-authored texts. We welcome feedback from any copyright owner, or their representative, who believes that this project has not properly attributed their work or has used it without proper authorization; please contact us at