Key Texts

This collection includes scanned book covers and paratextual material (i.e. table of contents, dedication, copyright information) for a selection of key Indigenous-authored texts. We welcome feedback from any copyright owner, or their representative, who believes that this project has not properly attributed their work or has used it without proper authorization; please contact us at


Angel Wing Splash Pattern
Angel Wing Splash Pattern
Indians of North America -- Canada -- Fiction
Blue Bear Woman
Blue Bear Woman
Original French edition published in 2007 by Éditions de la Pleine Lune
Cogewea: The Half-Blood
Cogewea: The Half-Blood
With notes and biographical sketch by Lucullus Virgil McWhorter; Introduction by Dexter Fisher. Okinagan Indians -- Fiction
Coyote U
Coyote U
Shuswap Indians; Shuswap Indians -- Literary collections; Shuswap Indians -- Interviews
Crazy Dave
Crazy Dave
Johnston, Basil, 1929-; Ojibway Indians -- Ontario -- Cape Croker Indian Reserve -- Biography; Cape Croker Indian Reserve (Ont.) -- Biography; Authors, Canadian (English) - 20th century -- Biography
